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Donald Trump Gender Affirming Surgery School Gender

Donald Trump’s Order on Transgender Students: What You Need to Know

How Does the Order Affect Transgender Students?

The order would reverse Obama-era guidance that allowed transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. It would also give states the authority to decide how to accommodate transgender students in schools.

What are the Arguments For and Against the Order?

Arguments for:

  • Protects Privacy: Some argue that the order protects the privacy of cisgender students by ensuring that they are not forced to share bathrooms with transgender students.
  • Prevents Discrimination: Others argue that the order prevents discrimination against transgender students by ensuring that they are not denied access to bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

Arguments against:

  • Harms Transgender Students: Critics argue that the order will harm transgender students by making them feel unsafe and unwelcome in schools.
  • Violates Federal Law: Some legal experts argue that the order violates federal law, which prohibits discrimination against transgender students on the basis of sex.

What is the Current Status of the Order?

The order is currently being challenged in court. A federal judge in California has blocked the order from taking effect, and the Trump administration has appealed the ruling. The case is expected to go to the Supreme Court.

What Should Schools Do?

Schools should continue to follow the Obama-era guidance until the legal challenges to the Trump administration's order are resolved. Schools should also create a safe and welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their gender identity.


The Trump administration's order on transgender students is a controversial issue with strong arguments on both sides. The order is currently being challenged in court, and it is unclear what the ultimate outcome will be. In the meantime, schools should continue to follow the Obama-era guidance and create a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
